My Sunshine Birth Services

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Renee Cooper's Birth Story

"First off I have to say that I couldn’t have done it without my sweet husband and amazing birthing partner Wyatt Cooper. He got me through labor with his lifesaving hip squeezes and whispers of encouragement. Big shoutout to Mary Duke Lcce Lamaze class for teaching us all that we needed to know and to my wonderful midwife Tracey Shelly Moore CPM and her assistant Jennifer West for safely delivering Beahr and taking such great care of me. So now to tell my story. Thankfully we had the planned home birth that we wanted. I was 40 weeks 6 days and absolutely done with being pregnant. I had tired everything that I knew I could do to try and get labor going that whole week but it wasn’t until I relaxed and gave it to God that things got started. My water broke around 7:00pm and then my labor quickly was underway at that point. By the time my midwife came I was already dilated pretty far and the contractions were beginning to be very painful but I was coping very well. I finally got into the tub almost in transition phase and that was when we realized that the lip of my cervix wouldn’t dilate any further causing pushing to be extremely painful. We tried all kinds of positions and moved around a lot in hopes of helping it but it was very difficult regardless. The pushing stage seemed to last forever and because of the issue, she had me get out of the tub and push on a birthing stool and then eventually he was delivered on the floor in hands and knees position to safely get his cord unwrapped. It was a beautiful experience and I wouldn’t have changed it if I could but I will say it was a challenge that nothing can truly prepare you for, especially when there are surprise complications that arise. But the euphoric feeling and rush of emotions afterward took all my pain away and filled it with love. For those curious about home births or wanting to consider, my best advice is to be as informed as possible beforehand and to remember that the pain has a purpose and is very rewarding in the end."

Thank you so much Renee for sharing your birth story and photos. Want to share your story